COP26 – bilan de la première semaine

La première semaine de la COP s’achève avec quelques engagements sur la bonne voie, mais beaucoup reste à faire pour faire de cette conférence un véritable succès.

Des annonces encourageantes ont été faites sur les énergies fossiles : mercredi, plus de 20 pays et institutions annonçaient s’engager à mettre un terme à leurs financements internationaux pour les énergies fossiles… mais sans la France.

Le discours d’Emmanuel Macron lundi avait donné le ton : pas d’annonce ou de nouveaux engagements, mise en cause de la Chine et des Etats-Unis au risque de jeter de l’huile sur le feu entre ces deux pays antagonistes… tandis qu’en coulisses, la France s’active pour que le gaz fossile soit inclus dans la taxonomie européenne, la classification de l’Union européenne des investissements considérés comme verts.
Fait extrêmement rare, la France s’est même vue décerner le Fossile du jour par les ONG du Climate Action Network « pour son double discours sur le climat » et sa diplomatie hasardeuse en faveur du gaz.

Le leadership dans ces négociations revient en réalité aux jeunes activistes pour le climat, et aux nations les plus vulnérables, face aux Etats les plus riches, qui se rejettent la faute au lieu de prendre leurs responsabilités.
Les partisans du greenwashing sont évidemment à pied d’œuvre, avec un agenda toxique : les marchés carbone volontaires et leur dangereux corollaire, la compensation carbone. Mais ces manipulations sont dénoncées haut et fort, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur du palais des congrès, notamment par les peuples autochtones qui protègent 80 % de la biodiversité de la planète.
Une bonne nouvelle à noter : le nouveau groupe d’experts du Secrétariat général de l’ONU s’attaquera au « déficit de crédibilité et à l’excès de confusion » sur ces mécanismes de compensations

La deuxième semaine de la COP26 doit voir se concrétiser un engagement des pays riches pour le financement, l’adaptation et le financement des pertes et dommages, ainsi que des règles solides dans l’accord de Paris pour maintenir l’objectif de 1,5°C et un signal clair pour mettre fin au développement d’énergies fossiles.

⬇️ Voici ci-dessous l’analyse en anglais de la première semaine de COP par Jennifer Morgan, directrice de Greenpeace international, et l’équipe de Greenpeace présente à Glasgow.

Greenpeace International Executive Director Jennifer Morgan summed up the state of the talks, saying:

“It’s been a bad week for the fossil fuels companies, but not bad enough, and things need to get a lot worse for them before this COP is over if we’re going to call Glasgow a success. We’ve seen some big announcements, but too many pledges have been voluntary and too often the small print includes big loopholes. The goal hasn’t changed, it’s 1.5C, and while we’re closer than we were, there’s still a long way to go.”

“The leadership at this COP has come from youth activists and the so-called climate vulnerable nations, while many leaders of bigger and richer countries are yet to step up. The magic dust at these COPs is often trust, it’s what can unlock the talks, and the way to build it in week two is to make breakthroughs on the promised $100bn a year of finance, on adaptation, and loss and damage. As the prime minister of Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley said, the countries here in Glasgow need to “try harder, try harder”.

“Over 20 countries and financial institutions agreed in Glasgow to stop new direct public support for fossil fuels by the end of next year, while India’s 2030 renewable energy commitment was the kind of surprise that can spur others to action. The call by the Climate Vulnerable Forum to have countries make annual climate commitments, instead of every five years, is a big move that needs to get traction in week two.

“Greenwashing is proving predictably insidious, especially the push to promote offsetting. But the scammers are being called out loud and clear, both inside and outside the convention centre, especially by Indigenous Peoples who protect 80% of the planet’s biodiversity. The UN Secretary General’s new Group of Experts will address the “deficit of credibility and surplus of confusion” on offsets. That’s good news.

“The big decisions at COP26 need to be consistent with the science and designed to build trust. That means no new fossil fuels and a scaling up of support for the most vulnerable. The $100bn climate funding target, with more cash on top, is overdue, while the unnecessarily hard nut of adaptation has to be cracked. We are here in Glasgow because lives are on the line. Next week is a test for humanity and a time for action.”

Detailed briefing

Inside and outside the COP arena, voices from countries and communities most affected by the impacts of the climate crisis are rising up and demanding action from world leaders. 

This is increasing the political pressure on the world’s richest nations with the greatest historic responsibility for emissions to step up their ambition and tangible commitments on climate mitigation, adaptation support and finance, in line with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.

So far, some strong signals have been sent around phasing out fossil fuels, and India’s new 2030 commitments went further than expected. 

But while leaders want to trumpet their efforts, most other commitments so far have been small steps and further substantive commitments are lacking.

Political deals on the sidelines have built some momentum for action, but they are mostly voluntary, too low-ambition agreements, containing few tangible plans for delivering ambitious emission cuts in practice. 

NOTE: the caveat “or as soon as possible thereafter” was not included in the UK government press release and was only revealed later through a leak. Commenting on the way the UK Presidency is handling announcements at the conference, Jennifer Morgan, Greenpeace International Executive Director – one of the few people who have been to every single COP over a quarter of a century – said:

“Most host governments dabble in a bit of media management, but the UK’s communications strategy in Glasgow is something different. It seems designed to dampen transparency and integrity, with announcements timed to make the front pages of UK newspapers, instead of working for the global media. It appears there is a deliberate attempt to hinder real-time scrutiny of extremely important developments.

“We actually want to find things to celebrate here, but it’s hard when there is a constant concern that everyone is getting played. The slight-of-hand around the coal announcement is a perfect case study. There was a reasonably good story to tell, so just tell it straight instead of fuelling cynicism.”

What happens next, after leaders have left?

Negotiations will now begin on the text of the official agreement that will come out of Glasgow. There is a lot still to play for, given mounting political pressure from countries and communities most affected by the climate crisis.

Still to come – The official COP26 Glasgow Agreement text must keep the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees. Anything less would be a dereliction of responsibility from world leaders. Greenpeace will be advocating for progress on the following key areas:

Mythbusting Article 6 proposals for global carbon markets – they’re a scam and don’t work. 

Paris Agreement rules must avoid entrenching loopholes that give emitters a way out of decarbonisation in line with 1.5℃. For Article 6 negotiations, this means no carbon offset markets. Carbon credits could, for example, be generated by planting trees or buying up existing forests, as a way to ‘offset’ a dirty power project on the other side of the world. But offsetting doesn’t stop carbon entering the atmosphere and warming our world, it just keeps it off the ledgers of the companies or governments responsible. Instead, Article 6 must set strong rules that boost the implementation of the Paris Agreement through international cooperation. Governments must commit to work together to equitably support mitigation and adaptation with the provision of a range of implementation measures including finance, technology transfer, knowledge sharing and capacity building.

Fossil fuels: phase-out, defund, and pursue a just transition to renewables.

The text of the official COP26 Glasgow Agreement must reflect the need for real action to start phasing out fossil fuels. This means no new projects, no new finance, and no public support for existing projects, which should be phased out almost entirely by 2050. Coal should be phased out as quickly as possible as a priority. We will push to get the final COP26 decision text to mention fossil fuels as the main culprits of the climate emergency, and commit to adequate financing to support less developed nations to scale up renewable energy capacity.

Finance: deliver on the $100bn a year promise – and more.

We want developed countries to come forward at COP26 with new money and a robust, transparent and needs-based plan that shows how the $100bn will be met annually for the next five years. We’re calling for the post-2025 goal to be needs-based and science-based, with clear milestones that go well beyond $100bn annually, and to extend the long-term finance programme. Commitments must also be made to support less developed countries with the loss and damage caused by the climate emergency.